Friday morning we went to see Nana, Papa, Lori, and Preston. Nana has just finished her second chemo and Owen brought her a special "get well soon hug" he colored for her. He soaked up all the attention and gave out lots of hugs...
Sunday we went the Electric City Fellowship and then had a yummy pizza lunch before hitting the road back to Nashville. Owen is staying in Anderson until this weekend. We have missed him so much, but enjoyed going on a DATE on Monday to dinner and the movies! Below is a portion of an email update from Gi Gi on all the cute things Owen has been doing this week so far:
Owen fell asleep in the car on the way home from Anderson University
last night..around 10:00 and slept til 8:30 this morning.
He is having fun right now standing on top of a shampoo bottle in the
kitchen floor pretending like he is skating....Now he is checking out
my spatula drawer and taking a swig of his grape juice. ( I hid all sharp
objects...I hope) He's been running back and forth from watching ETV
to playing. I think we can safely assume that he is having fun. Now he is
singing with a musical Christmas book. Richard calls Owen The
Bullet...because he is so fast.
Owen was so sweet this morning trying to help Grand Dad get his socks
and shoes on...which is a VERY painful process with Richard's feet in such
distress. We enjoy every minute with Owen Edward Lister. He is so sweet and fun.
Little Cutie Pie just found a three inch flip flop refrigerator magnet
that he is trying to put on his foot. Now he's back at the spatula
drawer and using my whisk to play as a drum stick. That drawer has
become the source of at least 5 things to play with. Who needs new toys?
What fun memories this brings back!!!
I wrote the above info this morning. It is now 8:20 pm. We met Uncle
Jon for lunch today then we took Owen to see Nana at the hospital.
Owen enjoyed jumping on the trampoline with Jonathan late this
afternoon. I'm so glad Owen likes cheese pizza. He ate three pieces for supper.
(We get pizza on Tuesday nights for the college age small group that
meets at our house.) Pat Austin brought a small rocky horse and a big
box of lego blocks for Owen to play with while he is here. He let me
feed him his pizza while he was rocking on the rocky horse.
It's 9:15 now. Owen brought me some books to read to him and then he
let me rock him to sleep. He decided that life was too fun today to take a
nap so hopefully he will sleep good tonight. I hope you will too.
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