Other weekend happenings:
Ava's candy-themed birthday party, complete with princess castle jump house! We were the first people to arrive and the last ones to leave. What a fun party!
Owen wandered into the bathroom while Ava and Lilly
were bathing and just stripped down and jumped in with them.
We met up with the Conrans for a fun evening at the Shelby Park playground. Owen and Liam chatted it up on the bench for a minute and then jumped down to play with dirt and sticks.
So half of his head and body are missing, but I think he looks just like my brother Minor when he was little, so I had to share it. This moment of joy happened right before some older kids on the playground tattled on Owen for throwing mulch. Party poopers!
On a side note, the cowgirl hat and belt were a success! Maggie and I have picked a new craft project to work on together...more to come on that!
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