Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 20, 2009

Yesterday was such a monumental moment, I'm still processing exactly what happened. I am so excited that my son is alive to experience such an important time in our history. Although the next four years will be an uphill climb, it is so amazing to have HOPE for our country for the first time in a long time. The significance of our new president is a little bit lost on Owen, but that hasn't stopped us from attempting to make 'Barack Obama' a part of Owen's vocabulary. That, too, could best be characterized as an uphill climb.

At first, Owen kept thinking 'Barack Obama' was a nickname for me; hence, I was referred to repeatedly as 'Barack O-Mama.' One night, for example, after I put Owen to bed, we heard over the monitor, "Barack O-Mama?! Barack O-Mama! I need some milk, please!" Seriously...we had witnesses. This lasted for weeks!

Richie and Owen watched the inauguration together yesterday. Apparently Owen was not too impressed with the pomp and circumstance of this imporant, moving, and memorable moment......until it was time for his nap. All of a sudden, the only thing in the universe that he wanted to was to watch Barack O-Mama. Yup, he still can't pronounce Obama correctly, but at least he understands that President Obama and his mother are, indeed, two very different people--but not really........

1 comment:

Callie said...

oh that's hilarious! such a cute story. And Yay for a new chapter in our nation.