Friday, February 13, 2009

Party time!

Today, Owen's preschool had a potluck Valentine's party for the kids. I went to Target last weekend and purchased a box of Pixar-themed Valentine's cards for him to give to his classmates. I have to admit...I had one of those 'whoa--I'm a MOM!' moments in the aisle. Sometimes those 'firsts' as a parent just catch me off guard, even something simple like buying a little box of Valentine's cards. Fast forward to last night (i.e. the night before the party)...I realized at, oh, about 11 p.m. that I still had to decorate a box for Owen to bring his Valentine's home in AND I had to put together the little candy bags I got for his teachers. Oh geez. So I turned on some reality tv and pulled out all the construction paper, scissors, tape, and stickers I could find. Although I was completely exhausted, I must say, I was so excited by the finished product...

The cover of Owen's Valentine box...

...and the little happies I made for his teachers!

2 temporary tattoos that he got from some classmates

Not to brag or anything, but Richie did say that Owen by far had the coolest take-home box. Whether it is true or not, just hearing that he thought so made me pretty darn proud. :)

Wishing all of our loved ones a very happy Valentine's Day!


Callie said...

wow Anna! You're super mom! looks great. Umm...I was surprised Thurs when other moms brought gifts to Hutson's Mother's Day Out teacher. oops.

Mark, Genny, and Aivia Lindsey said...

Wow. that box brought back memories! What fun times.

No Mommy Brain said...

you're so cute. i want a take home box like that for myself!