Like any parent, I'm so curious to what Owen will look like when he grows up. We've analyzed every little part of him over and over for the last two and a half years in an attempt to figure out which bits and pieces he got from each of us. I've had fun looking at old pictures of us to argue my case that Owen
clearly looks more like me as a child--so far, I think I'm in the minority on that one. We don't have many scanned to our computer, but here are a few gems...
Jeremy and Richie, Easter c. 1983--does that hairstyle look familiar?
Best school picture of all time, 4th grade
Christmas 1979 (?), such a goofball
Not sure of the year on this one--I'd ask my parents but I'm afraid
this one might cause horrible flashbacks
Oh yeah, 4H camp...I'm guessing 4th grade. What a 'tude!
i may be in the minority but i thought that picture of you in the christmas stocking boots WAS owen! he is a beautiful blend of his mama and daddy. what a lucky boy!
ps - i love how in your 4H photo you're blowing a bubble while throwing up your fist like, "the struggle continues." camp looks hard!
I think he looks like you. Especially the one in the Xmas stockings. I love the old fun.
And I think I took that 4H picture! Or I have one just like it. Yep we were some hard core 4Hers. Ha...I told Mike we were in 4H and he asked what kind of animal we all raised. I laughed and told him we made hair bows out of comic strips and dresses out of men's t-shirts. What memories.
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