Friday, April 24, 2009

Goodnight already!

Most nights, Owen goes to bed without too much of a fuss. After using the potty and brushing his teeth, he will jump (literally) into his bed, mandate a couple of books to read, and settle in with his numerous bed buddies (monster, 2 Curious Georges, lamb, 'spider monkey', parrot, and little horse, to name a few). We will read, chat, say our goodnights and i love you's, turn on his baby Beatles cd, and turn off the light. Some nights, Owen will request "wabes." Oh, you've never heard of wabes before? Well, that would be Owen's way of saying he wants one of us to lay in bed with him and try to make ocean sounds. As you can imagine, that is no problem for Richie. My ocean sounds, on the other hand, generally come across sounding more like a tv that can't find a functioning channel more than relaxing waves gently lullabying our sweet son to sleep.

Tonight, it's been quite a challenge to get Owen to bed. I have tucked him in now FOUR times. Just as I get settled, I hear his little feet charging down the hallways. Here's how the conversation goes once he barges into our bedroom:

Owen: "I've got to tell you something."
Me: "Okay, buddy, what is it?"
Owen: "Spiderman."
Me: "What about Spiderman?"
Owen: "Spiderman."
tuck in
settle in
Owen: "I've got to tell you something."
Me: "Owen, I asked you to stay in your bed. What do you need to tell me?"
Owen: "Spiderman."
tuck in
settle in
door again
Owen: "I've got to tell you something."
Me: "Owen, what is it you need to tell me?"
Owen: "Lamb."
Me: "What about lamb?"
Owen: "Lamb."
tuck in
(uh, maybe a threat about popping his behind if he gets up again)
settle in
yup, you guessed it...
the dadgum door

Sounds like all is quiet on the other end of the monitor.
Oops, think again....

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