Thought I squeeze in one last post for January. We got some great news today...Nana (Richie's grandmother in SC) is in REMISSION for lymphoma! We all got to see her in September, and Owen spent some more time with her in January when he spent a week with Gi Gi and Granddad. He has mentioned Nana and Papa's house lately--in fact, he was talking about Preston, the 'other' Ana (Richie's cousin Anastasia), and Nana and Papa last night during dinner. We are so excited that she is doing so well. We love you, Nana!
Wednesday, Owen's preschool was closed due to a winter weather advisory. By mid-morning, it was obvious that the weather was not going to be as severe as predicted, so Owen and I ventured out to the Inglewood Library for story hour. We met our friends Maggie and Liam there. Owen was definitely not practicing his library etiquette. Although he did fine during story hour, once we went into the main library, he only wanted to run--he actually told me, "Mom, I have to run!"--and play peek-a-boo with Liam. The other library patrons didn't seem to mind too much, but it was really stressing me out, so we called it a day and came home. Although I hated to use a vacation day so early in the year, it was fun to have an unexpected one-on-one day with my boy.
Our Owen is just the sweetest boy. Yes, he loves to run, jump, throw, kick, and wrestle. But he is so tender and affectionate. This morning, Richie and I were in the kitchen discussing our grocery list. Owen asked us to both pick him up. We had a family hug, which Owen has always loved to do. He said, "Thanks, guys!" and then said, "Mommy, you are so sweet." Yep, my heart is now a puddle of goo.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Another one bites the dust
First of all, can I just say that having a laptop ROCKS! It has done wonders for my blogging motivation and capabilities!
Moving on...
Moving on...
One of my New Year's goals was to join the library (how have we lived here this long without ever going to the library?!) and to actually go. Well, tonight we can cross both of those items off of my list! Our first stop of the evening was to go vote on the English Only amendment that has been so much buzz. Luckily we were in and out in about 10 minutes, and Owen even got an "I voted" sticker! Afterwards, we headed to the Inglewood Library, which hosts a pajama story time once a month. Since I am working during the week and don't get to participate in a whole lot of mommy-and-me-type activities, I am allllll about this special time I can have with Owen. We arrived at the library a little early, so Richie and I had plenty of time to join the library and get our cards! Very exciting! Then, we headed into the story room. We were the first to arrive, and I didn't really know what to expect. Within a few minutes, about 8 other kids arrived. Our librarian, Ms. Nancy, knew each one by name and invited all the children to get a carpet mat and sit near her. She had prepared an agenda for the parents to follow along. We read 3 books, did a hand activity (kind of like sign language set to a story), sang several songs, created a beach-themed art project with crayons and stickers, and then ate Teddy Grahams. Owen was surprisingly well-behaved--or at least as inattentive as most of the other kids. :) Here are some pictures of our fun family night!
Since it has been so cold, our theme for the evening was the beach!
Daddy helped Owen with his sticker and crayon creation
Owen and I put together his giraffe sun visor and then talked about different sea shells on the display table.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
January 20, 2009
Yesterday was such a monumental moment, I'm still processing exactly what happened. I am so excited that my son is alive to experience such an important time in our history. Although the next four years will be an uphill climb, it is so amazing to have HOPE for our country for the first time in a long time. The significance of our new president is a little bit lost on Owen, but that hasn't stopped us from attempting to make 'Barack Obama' a part of Owen's vocabulary. That, too, could best be characterized as an uphill climb.
At first, Owen kept thinking 'Barack Obama' was a nickname for me; hence, I was referred to repeatedly as 'Barack O-Mama.' One night, for example, after I put Owen to bed, we heard over the monitor, "Barack O-Mama?! Barack O-Mama! I need some milk, please!" Seriously...we had witnesses. This lasted for weeks!
Richie and Owen watched the inauguration together yesterday. Apparently Owen was not too impressed with the pomp and circumstance of this imporant, moving, and memorable moment......until it was time for his nap. All of a sudden, the only thing in the universe that he wanted to was to watch Barack O-Mama. Yup, he still can't pronounce Obama correctly, but at least he understands that President Obama and his mother are, indeed, two very different people--but not really........
At first, Owen kept thinking 'Barack Obama' was a nickname for me; hence, I was referred to repeatedly as 'Barack O-Mama.' One night, for example, after I put Owen to bed, we heard over the monitor, "Barack O-Mama?! Barack O-Mama! I need some milk, please!" Seriously...we had witnesses. This lasted for weeks!
Richie and Owen watched the inauguration together yesterday. Apparently Owen was not too impressed with the pomp and circumstance of this imporant, moving, and memorable moment......until it was time for his nap. All of a sudden, the only thing in the universe that he wanted to was to watch Barack O-Mama. Yup, he still can't pronounce Obama correctly, but at least he understands that President Obama and his mother are, indeed, two very different people--but not really........
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Eek! Spammers!
I just noticed that some goofball spammers left some funky comments on numerous posts. Ugh! I've been working on deleting them, but I'm afraid it's going to take a while. So in the meantime, please don't click on any weird links to handbags or wallets! :) I feel a little bit excited that I finally got spammed--I guess all these posts I've been racking up have caught the attention of spammers out in cyberland. Ha!
Monday, January 19, 2009
More birthday fun!
Our little friends Gillian and Juniper (they're sisters, and absolutely gorgeous) celebrated their 5th and 3rd birthdays, respectively, this past Saturday at Chuck E. Cheese's. Owen asked us every day the week leading up to the birthday party if today he could go to Chuck E. Cheese's (Chuck-a-chEEses, as he said). He was a little intimidated when we first got there, but he soon warmed up and was off like a dart to play all the germ-infested...I mean, super fun games!
When Chuck visited the party room, Owen and Gillian went right up to him for a handshake!
Daddy helping Owen with the pinball machine
Sunday was Richie's 33rd birthday! We celebrated by eating an awesome lunch at P.F. Chang's with Jeremy and Gwyn, followed my football, more football, pizza, and peanut butter pie. Owen sang Happy Birthday, and even let Richie blow out the candles all by himself. Happy Birthday, Richie! We love you!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Fun start to the new year!
Gi Gi, Granddad, and Uncle Jon came to see us all on New Year's Day. Richie made the most delicious New Year's dinner I can recall--the traditional black eyed peas, fresh mixed greens (mustard greens, collard greens, and turnip greens...yum!), salmon croquettes, cornbread, and sweet tea. It was a delicious way to kick off 2009. Friday, the boys had an archery 'competition' in our backyard during the afternoon, and then Jeremy made his famous seafood gumbo for dinner. It was deeeeelicous! Gi Gi and Granddad asked if Owen could come spend a few days in South Carolina. So we packed up a bag, and they were on their way that Saturday. Owen spent 5 nights in Anderson, and judging by the pictures he brought home on his Christmas camera, he had a blast...
The trampoline is always a big hit!
Looks like Uncle Bob is giving Owen some Superhero pointers!
Uh-oh...Uncle Steve gets 'webbed' by Spiderman Owen
Uncle Jon (a.k.a. Jon Jon) reading to his mini-me
Granddad giving Owen a massage...
...and Owen returning the favor!
Sweet Cousin Preston showing Owen his bird book
One funny story Gi Gi shared with us happened last Sunday after church. ECF, the church that Mr. Richard planted and pastors, meets in a really cool building that used to be a Wal Mart--so it is HUGE! So huge that their children's group meets in an area that has an indoor McDonald's playground! Of course, Owen had so much fun. When it was time to go, he started rubbing his eyes. Aunt Carolyn asked him what was the matter and he told her, "My eyes are raining." :)
Thank you, Gi Gi, Granddad, and Uncle Jon, for such a fun visit! We love you!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Happy 2009!
Our New Year's Eve was fantastic....spent with good friends....
who were kind enough to share their iPod...
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