I've done it again...gone way too long without any updates! The weekend of October 4th, I participated in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in downtown Nashville. It was an amazing, emotional event. Special thanks to Gigi & Granddad, Gran & Pop, and Jenn for their generous donations for the event. It was confirmed today that there were over 10,000 racers/walkers this year and over $1 million was raised by the Nashville race! I'm so excited to have been a part of such an important day! That night, I went to Aunt Gwyn's variety show at Exit/In. If you haven't checked out her link to the left, you really should! She is breathtaking!
After my long walk and late night on Saturday, Richie and I were relieved that Owen slept in for the first time pretty much EVER on Sunday! We got up at 10:30 and had a donut picnic in the backyard. :) Then we took Barrett on a walk around the neighborhood. It was pretty much a perfect morning!
Then very extremely mind-blowingly early last Thursday morning (hee hee!), Owen and I flew to Mississippi for a long overdue trip to Gran and Pop's house. It is hard to believe, but Owen had not been to McComb since September of last year! He had such a fun time checking the cows, playing with Sky (the cross-eyed cat), riding on the mule, petting the horsey, and especially eating powdered donuts for breakfast every day (thanks, Pop!) Here are a few pictures to sum up our fantastic visit home:
The first words out of his mouth at oh-my-lordy:30 a.m. were "I'm getting on an airplane!"
Pop driving fast on the mule to go check the cows...Owen kept yipping "Wee! Yeah! Shooey!"
Pop explaining the delicate art of casting to a very unattentive grandson
1st fish! Poor fish met his untimely end when Owen accidentally whacked him onto a rock. RIP little fishy
Uncle Minor introduced Owen to his new puppy Chip.
Swinging on the front porch with Gran and Pop--very relaxing way to end a fun and memorable day!
Who knew electric wheelchairs could be so fun!
...and wipes too!
We finally got to meet Hutson...PLEASE go see Hutson's blog (link to left). He is precious!
We found this awesome costume at a consignment store--Owen was naked within 30 seconds of seeing it. He wore it out of the store and pretty much hasn't taken it off ever since!
Walking up to the dairy barn to pet a horse
Perfecting his Spidey skills on the windshield of Gran's car...great idea, Pop! :)
Poor little Spidey was all tuckered out by the time we made it back to the house.
Thank you, Gran, Pop, and Minor, for a very, very wonderful weekend! We love you!