Thursday, May 29, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
A busy month!

A couple of quick notes:
Owen's new favorite song: B-i-n-g-o
Favorite food: suckers
Favorite book: Easy Street
New sayings: "Aw, man." "Hi there!"
Monday, May 19, 2008
New House Resolutions
- Learn how to wash clothes with bleach. I know my mother is burying her head in her hands on this one. What can I say...I've always been too intimidated to use bleach. I am going to google it if I have to. Clorox is about to be my new best friend.
- Don't keep things I don't really need. You know, like the electric bill stubs I still have from 9 years ago, owner's manuals to cell phones from the Zach Morris era, you get the picture.
- Create a place for every thing. I have gone to our neighborhood Family Dollar and purchased an assortment of plastic totes and my favorite gizmo ever, a label maker! I now have perfectly labeled bins for Owen's art supplies, our office supplies, stationery, photos (that's an organization project I'm not quite ready to tackle), and my sewing gear. Our new house has the most pimped out closets I have ever seen in my life. I intend to utilitze every shelf, rack and drawer to its fullest potential!
- Start fixing the house up from Day 1. Our last 2 homes, we waited until we were ready to sell to make some last minute improvements. We asked ourselves each time why we waited so long to try these quick and inexpensive projects. Going into this house, I want to make changes that we will appreciate early on rather than right at the bitter end.
- Decorate in a way that really reflects our taste. We have sold several items on Craigslist and set aside that money for our New Furniture fund. Our decor needs a facelift, and we have decided that by selling what we don't like we will be forced to replace it.
- Invite our friends and family to come enjoy our new home! The last couple of years, we have felt so uncomfortable having people come over. The ultra narrow kitchen and compartmentalized layout of our rental home make it a weird flow for entertaining. Plus, with all the excess junk we've been toting around, the room we intended to be the guest bedroom wound up being the pet/empty box/clothes that don't fit catch-all room. We are excited to entertain and actually host people in our new house without forcing them to sleep on a futon mattress on the floor.
- Meet our neighbors. This one sounds really dumb...and that's because it is. We have only had a couple of conversations in passing with the neighbor to our left and we've only even laid eyes on the neighbor on the right about 3 times. With our house in Jackson and our Greenwood Ave house, we were lucky to have really sweet neighbors...the kind that aren't always in your business but are always around if you need a hand. The Carroll's actually left us some homemade moonshine for a welcome present! I doubt we'll ever have neighbors that cool again, but we won't find out unless we go knocking on some doors.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day through the years
2007--someone was NOT feeling cooperative!
2008--He insisted on wearing our hoods together.
What a special day! I spent the morning really savoring some one-on-one time with Owen. We went to the grocery store for milk and diapers, and he was such a good helper! He pushed the buggy back to the lobby and then carried a bag to the car. We met Gwyn and Tom for lunch, which was a little bit of a fiasco. Owen doesn't like sitting in high chairs anymore...he wants to sit in the booth with everyone else. Of course, this led to repeated trips back forth underneath the table. Poor Tom got the worst of it. He would be in the middle of a bite and all of a sudden Owen's head would pop up and he would crawl into Tom's lap or grab him around the shoulders for a prolonged hug. We had a family dinner, thanks to Richie. And now we're listening to Richie and Jeremy play live on Lightning 100.
I generally think holidays can get a little goofy, but I must admit that I do love Mother's Day. I have an amazing mother, and it is a day to really reflect on how lucky I am to have such a wonderful mama. Richie's mother is so wonderful too--we just spent a week with her here in Nashville, and Owen just had a ball. She did such a great job with all 3 of her boys, and I will be over the moon if my sons turn out as loving and compassionate as her sons. And I am also so thankful to have so many friends who are mamas--Maggie, Callie, Holly...just so many beautiful, smart, generous and talented women in my life who inspire me to be a better mama and a better me. They are an amazing support to me, and I'm glad to be on this journey with such loving ladies. My little son has opened up a whole huge, wide world to me. He is the most incredible little being in the universe. I am so proud to be his mother! I'm truly fortunate in every way, and I recognize that especially on Mother's Day. Lots of love to all the mamas in my life!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Use your words
Thursday, May 1, 2008
On the Chef Boy-are-you-cute post...reading back over this post, I'm sure people have wondered how Owen got mustard on his face by digging through my purse. The mustard was from a corndog (veggie!). I may be a snack-a-holic, but I haven't yet resorted to stashing condiments in my pockets or anything.
Happy May!